Monday, July 28, 2008

Eucharistic Adoration and Other Extraordinary Pieces of Faith

Last night, I was witness to one of the most reverent and amazing sites of my life...our Lord Jesus processing throughout our church's activity center, and then through the parking lot of the church, followed by 200 teenagers and families. How beautiful was the Body of Christ...both literally in the Monstrance, and literally as I watched these youth from the surrounding Baton Rouge area reverently and solemnly follow our Lord right into the church, to land on the altar table. I was full of awe and wonder. My heart pounded as the procession drew near my station. I am brought to the hymn, "How Beautiful." The house band, who I begged to play soft music, did the exact music my soul needed to hear. The incense invited me to follow the Lord right into the Church, and listen to the beautiful priest prayer and sing our beliefs and love of the Lord. I was able to adore and love our Lord, and KNOW He was present to us as a community of believers. To watch, as each of my children reverently stood and kneeled before the Ever-Knowing and Loving Lord of All. To hear the musicians announce that the King of Kings was about to be in our midst in a very real and wonderful way...

I am going to tell you that I've been to Adoration many times in the last few years. This Adoration...This loving and praising the Lord...this witness to our Faith...this was different last night. This was Our Lord, exposed to us 200 youth who will change our world with the love of Christ...This was Christ speaking to me as a woman of be before our Lord and loving Him. What a blessing I feel to be Catholic right have the grace of receiving the Lord freely gaze at Him in the Real Presence...I could go on forever about this. I want to be in this Presence every day. The idea of spiritual communion and other such blessings of our faith begin to consume me.

My thirst for more...more faith, more wisdom, more sacramental graces from my baptism, my marriage, my confirmation...where do I begin? I am not sure. But, this moment will go down in my life as one of the Beautiful times my family and I were experiencing the Lord. What a blessing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it was very uplifting. It was great to see young people adoring the Lord with us "older" people...

Maybe this can be a yearly event???