Monday, September 8, 2008

Gustav...Thank you, very Much!

Since Gustav hit, our family has been topsy-turvy. Our entire little family (6 of us) moved into my office for about 3 days, until Deacon Daddy said, "Enough." He and the little ones moved to Slidell until this morning. We still have no power, but I called Steve last night crying, "Please come home, please come home." I am essential staff at my work, and for them to go to Slidell, well, I really did get things done. But, I now miss my family - power or not!

I went to CTK church last night, upset, and yearning to receive our Lord. Father Vu talked about how he had met a woman that "exuded a love for the Lord, even in the midst of Gustav." I want to be that woman. I want to exude a love and confidence in the Lord, no matter the circumstance. I want others to say about me, "She is confident in the Lord." I want to be an instrument the Lord uses to bring others to Him. Love, mercy, kindness.

Why is my faith on low fuel right now?? As I was in Mass last night, I prayed, "Let me feel you again." Why can't I feel His presence right now? This seems like part of my struggle. I remember in my younger days, I had no doubts that Jesus was walking with me. Now, I feel that absence. I took Eucharist last night in thanksgiving, and love, and yet, so unworthy. Please pray for me.